my cv


My profile picture.

hi, my name is nikita sychev, i’m from russia, tyumen (time zone UTC/GMT +5 hours)

i’m always open to interesting job opportunities, so feel free to contact me

you can also find my cv in russian on or

things I like:

  • writing backend tests.
  • asynchronous development processes.
  • working on business logic and process automation.
  • working with professionals.
  • problem-solving and bug fixing.
  • applying Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, writing clean code, and following SOLID principles.
  • embracing KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It) principles consistently.

my skills

go • php • laravel • OOP • sql • postgreSQL • javascript • vue.js • git • linux • docker • gRPC


december 2023 - present
applied skills:


november 2021 - december 2023
(2 years 2 months)
Logistics Team (5 Full Stack Developers)
  • Developed functionality for selling warehouse stocks, reducing expenses due to forecast inaccuracies.
  • Created a process for managing incidents during packaging, increasing customer loyalty and packaging process monitoring.
  • Implemented part of the packages labeling functionality, enabling the introduction of new warehouse processes
  • Developed integration functionality with partners, where our company acted as a logistics provider.
    • Enabled communication between couriers and managers through an internal communication system, automating integrations between companies without changes to courier processes.
  • Handled various tasks supporting and improving warehouse processes
applied skills:

php, laravel, vue.js, postgreSQL, javascript, git, phpUnit, OOP

march 2021 - november 2021
(9 months)
rusatom smart utilities
responsibilities and achievements
  • Managed backend and frontend development for an educational integrator
    • Created features for employer, vacancy, and application management
    • Implemented resume generation in PDF format from user data
    • Designed and implemented a full-text search using Elasticsearch with ranking and language processing (typos, synonyms).
    • Developed employer profiles and accounts
  • Worked on backend development for regional portals, integrating with national and regional project management systems
    • Integrated three systems (our portal, data bus, data source), identifying and resolving issues in the data source.
    • Took ownership of data bus enhancements to improve speed and reduce dependency on other teams
applied skills:

php, laravel, javascript, vuejs, postgresql, elasticsearch, git, docker, composer, phpunit

october 2020 - february 2021
(5 months)
glorax infotech
responsibilities and achievements:

Developed backend for a real estate auction startup

Startup Team (2 Backend Developers, 2 Frontend Developers)

  • Architected processes for application requests using the finite state machine pattern, achieving flexibility, resilience, and low code coupling
  • Implemented a flexible notification system using email, SMS, and websockets primarily with Laravel tools
  • Integrated with marketing and partner services, ensuring thorough logging for prompt issue identification and extensive API testing.
  • Ensured comprehensive test coverage, enabling confident deployments after successful Bitbucket pipeline execution (including static code analysis).
  • Decomposed high-level business requirements into specific development tasks
applied skills:

php, laravel, postgresql, phpunit, websockets, docker

february 2019 - october 2020
(1 year, 9 months)
responsibilities and achievements:

Developed internal company projects

Utilized Laravel for backend (API) development and Vue.js with Vuetify for frontend (SPA) development across all projects.

  • Created an organizer application for employees attending exhibitions. The application included features such as a meeting calendar, management of exhibition samples, checklist management for booth visits, flexible supplier filtering, and data export to Excel/PowerPoint.
  • Developed a website with a library-like functionality for booking samples. Implemented two-way synchronization with the main data bus.
  • Created an application to visualize production processes, acting as a wrapper over BPMN processes. Tasks were automatically exported to a task manager. Camunda was used to manage BPMN processes
applied skills:

php, laravel, javascript, vue.js, vuetify, postgresql, mysql, docker

august 2018 - january 2019
(6 months)
responsibilities and achievements:
  • Collaborated with a small team to develop multiplayer online games
  • Developed three games for a client, each with distinct gameplay mechanics
  • Utilized PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Redis for one game and Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis for the other two games
  • Designed and implemented bots with unique behavior patterns.
  • Created a Vue.js frontend for testing and responsiveness.
  • Implemented an admin panel using Laravel Nova that interacted with the APIs and sockets
applied skills:

php, laravel, mysql, nodejs, mongodb, javascript, vuejs, docker, redis, rabbitmq

may 2017 - august 2018
(1 year 4 months)
begining of career
  • Gained experience through various companies, learned the profession, and familiarized myself with the industry.
  • Worked on multiple Bitrix projects
  • Developed proficiency in Laravel
  • Participated in studio-style development of various projects
applied skills:

bitrix, laravel, php, javascript, html, css, git, oop